domingo, 1 de janeiro de 2012

Meditation - sitting with dignity

Sit on the floor with the  crossed legs in  Lotus position. Or you may sit on a chair if preferred. Sit upright and relax the body. You may scan the face muscles,  neck and shoulders  as they tend to hold lots of tension throughout the day. Carry on bringing your attention to other parts of the body that may be tighten. On each exalation release all the stress you may be feeling.The simple fact of being  aware of that brings imediate relaxation .
  Adjust the body in a way you feel confortable. As you going to watch TV. Instead you are goind to watch your own thoughts.
straighthen your head in a way as you were being hung up by a tread from the sky.With the hands palms facing upward, place the left hand over the right. Fingers pointing oposite direction and the thumbs tips touching each other. Rest  them close the body just below the belly botom. Allow the eyes to close gently but not completely. Gaze the tip of your nose or the floor a few inches. Breath!

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